amp up your pinterest marketing

The Fastest Way To Amp Up Your Pinterest Marketing


amp up your pinterest marketing

Do you struggle with marketing on Pinterest? It can be so difficult and time-consuming to come up with great headlines, find the perfect stock photo, find the best fonts, and the best keywords. Then you have to master other programs to put all of these things together in your pin design. This can take hours of your time a week just trying to get something on Pinterest.

I have spent hours upon hours designing and editing pins trying to find the perfect pin design for my audience and blog. Everyone wants a cohesive pin design to really stand out. There are so many people marketing on Pinterest and competing for the same keywords, etc. You really want your pins to be the best looking and most enticing!

If you are struggling with managing your time while trying to succeed with marketing your blog or business on Pinterest, you should definitely keep reading and learn more about this amazing program!

Keep in mind that I may receive commissions when you click on my links and make purchases. However, this does not impact my reviews and/or comparisons. If you do use my links, thank you so much for supporting me and my blog! If you would like more information about affiliate links, please check out Privacy Policy/Disclaimer. I was also compensated to write this post, but all opinions are my own, as always. I would never ever recommend a product that did not work for me.

Pinterest Marketing, Simplified

Just recently, I was chosen to try out a new program by a company that I was already using their services and loving. I am super excited to say that I have fallen in love with this program and it has saved me so much time already with my Pinterest marketing for my blog. I recommend it 1000% to anyone using Pinterest to market anything!

This program is called Tailwind Create. This program allows you to quickly and efficiently create designer-worthy pins in a matter of minutes. The most amazing part to me is that Tailwind has essentially put all of the major parts of marketing on Pinterest together to create a more streamlined process for us. You can create, schedule, publish, and analyze each pin all in one place. Tailwind will automatically publish your pins at the best time for your audience, really helping to amp up your Pinterest marketing!

I have personally used Tailwind for around a year now for my Pinterest and have found it invaluable. It has saved me so much time being able to schedule out my pins ahead of time since I do still work full-time and have a very busy schedule. That’s why I was so excited when I was invited to try out their new program Tailwind Create because it saves me even more time!

Why I Love Tailwind Create

  • Tailwind Create allows you to create designer-worthy pins in a matter of minutes. I have made all of my pins in around 10 minutes or less! It is a fabulous time saver for anyone who currently designs their own pins.
  • The program automatically suggests pin designs for different types of content. There is a drop-down menu that allows you to pick categories such as how-to posts, blog entries, product listings, etc. I think this is great because what looks good for one piece of content might not work for something else.
  • Every image created is unique. You can go in and change small things that need to be changed such as colors, fonts, and images.
  • It recommends designs that I would never think of, but they work beautifully with my content!
  • Everything happens in one place so I don’t have to download photos, fonts, or anything extra onto my computer. It’s all together in one simple and easy-to-use program.

Tailwind Create Example

Here is an example of what my Tailwind Create looks like. This is an example of a pin design I made a few weeks ago. You can see on the left side how you can choose stock photos, choose a specific color palette, choose your font, and write out your title. The interface is very user friendly. I was able to log in and start making pins within seconds! It is extremely easy for anyone with basic computer knowledge.

Tailwind Create

Are you ready to amp up your Pinterest marketing?

If you feel like Pinterest is too hard to market your business because it requires designing pins, then you should definitely try out this program! You can sign up for the free trial (no credit card needed!) here. That will allow you to schedule 100 free pins through their program and try out the new Tailwind Create. I promise you will not regret it!

Tailwind is also offering a great discount on their Tailwind Create plans. If you try out the program and love it, you can sign up and get 50% off the total price locked in for LIFE! That is an amazing deal! Here are the plans below if you are interested in pricing: (these prices are subject to change) 

Tailwind Create Pricing


I think this program has been a great addition to the Tailwind family and it has really impressed me. I have been able to save so much time that I can use it elsewhere in my business. I am able to create more content rather than spending hours trying to come up with ideas to market it. This program is a great investment for anyone looking to amp up their Pinterest Marketing!

Pinterest Results

Here are my personal Pinterest results from using Tailwind and Tailwind Create. I have been slacking on my Pinterest marketing the past few months due to lacking the time and effort to make it happen. After I started using Tailwind Create, I have had amazing results. Each of my analytic categories has skyrocketed. I think the best part of this is that all of my Tailwind Create pins are now my top pins on my profile. They have the most engagements out of all the pins I have ever created. I think that right there tells me I need to keep using the program.

Tailwind Create ResultsThese are my personal results and these are not guaranteed, but Tailwind also publishes the Typical Results of Tailwind Members every year, so you can see exactly what the average growth rate looks like for their members. Typical results are also not guaranteed. You check that out here

I really hope this has helped you understand a little bit more about Tailwind Create and I hope it encourages you to try it out! What do you have to lose? The free trial is completely free, no credit card required! You can quickly take your Pinterest marketing to the next level with this program.

Let me know in the comments below if you have tried Tailwind, Tailwind Create, or if you are thinking about it. Also, I will respond to any questions as well.

Thanks for reading,


If you liked this post, be sure to share it on Pinterest! (ps. this pin was made with Tailwind Create!!)

How to amp up your pinterest marketing

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