How I Grew My Pinterest Engagement 115% In One Month

This post may contain affiliated links. This means that I may earn a commission from the products I promote if you choose to buy them using these links at no additional cost to youRead full disclosure here. I was also compensated to create a post about my experience with Tailwind, however, these thoughts are my own.

How I Grew my pinterest engagement 115% in one month

How I Grew My Pinterest Engagement 115% In One Month

I grew my Pinterest engagement 115% in only one month, March 2021-April 2021. This in turn also helped my page views for the month. Pinterest traffic can be great for a blog but it can be a little tricky to get down. Keep reading to see how I grew my Pinterest account and gained more page views for my blog!

Why Pinterest?

If you have arrived at this post you are probably wondering how to increase your engagement on Pinterest. Many bloggers use Pinterest as sort of a search engine and you can easily drive traffic to your blog. You create pins to advertise your blog posts, then when a Pinterest user clicks on your pin it will reroute them to your blog. This opens up a world of opportunity for bloggers, especially if you are just starting out and not receiving any organic traffic from Google.

It can be difficult to nail down Pinterest. You need to have a strategy for pinning pins, how many a day, your color schemes, keywords, and what time you pin them to reach your audience the best. This can take hours upon hours of work when you do not have a marketing team to help you.

I use a program called Tailwind that acts as your personal marketing team for Pinterest and Instagram. You use their platform to nail down all of these things that will allow you to grow your Pinterest account without spending hours every day.

Favorite Tailwind Features

  • Super Easy Sign-Up: Tailwind does not require a credit card or any financial information from you to start an account. They offer a free trial of their paid services, but they also have a fabulous free account which they call their forever free account. This allows you to still use their services, completely free!
  • Schedule Pins Ahead of Time: Tailwind allows you to schedule Pinterest pins ahead of time by using their pin scheduler. It also shows you the best times for you to post your pins to allow you the most engagement on your account. I absolutely love this feature because it takes the guesswork out of when you should post your pins. I also use this feature to plan ahead and schedule my pins weeks in advance.
  • Tailwind Create: Tailwind Create is a magical platform that allows you to create Pinterest pins in minutes! It’s super easy and allows you to spend more time on other things rather than sitting for hours trying to design viral-worthy Pinterest pins. This is the most attractive feature for me and I was so excited when it first came out. I use it frequently for most of my pin designs and I am never disappointed! It makes it so easy to design a pin and schedule it right to Pinterest without ever leaving the Tailwind site!
  • Insightful Analytics: Tailwind offers you analytics of your Pinterest account and how your pins are doing.
  • Affordable Pricing: The pricing for Tailwind is so affordable! You can check out their pricing here.

All of these features have helped me tremendously when trying to plan and execute my Pinterest strategy. You can see the results below.

Here are my results below:

March 2021 Pinterest AnalyticsHow I Grew my pinterest engagement 115% in one month

My engagement on Pinterest was DOWN 63%. How did this happen? Well, many things can cause this to occur. The thing that stands out to me the most is the fact that I was not consistently pinning on my Pinterest account. It is very easy to forget a few days or just flat out not feel like sitting for hours and pinning pins to boards. It’s so easy to let time pass you by.

I had already invested in the Tailwind paid account late last year and was consistently using it, but I did fall off the Pinterest wagon at the beginning of this year due to some personal stuff going on and I didn’t have any extra free time (like none at all!). I didn’t even work on my blog or social media at all for a few months.

My Pinterest account definitely took a nosedive during those months. But, even after taking all that time off, Tailwind made it easy for me to make a comeback to Pinterest and get my engagement back up! All it took was a month to really kick it back up into high gear and get my Pinterest account back on the right track.

April 2021 Pinterest Analytics

How I Grew my pinterest engagement 115% in one month

So, What Did I Do Differently?

  • I used Tailwind to schedule out a full pinning schedule every week consistently.
  • I used Tailwind to ensure all pins were correctly pinned to the correct boards.
  • I used Tailwind to ensure always pinning at correct times for my audience.
  • I used Tailwind to save time by using their Tailwind Create program (I can go into that later in a different post)
  • I used Tailwind Communities to share my pins and get more re-pins and a larger audience sharing my pins.


So, Did this help my page views?

Of course! My page views on my blog jumped up in April just from Pinterest alone. The engagement rate on Pinterest definitely corresponds to how many page views I can get. I have shown below the results just from one month to the next. I usually get 1000+ page views from Pinterest each month, but you can see where it really fell off from me not pinning or getting on Pinterest at all for a few months.

In one month I almost tripled my page views just by pinning consistently and using Tailwind to help me ensure my Pinterest was always taken care of.

March Google Analytics

April Google Analytics

*These results may not be typical. You can visit Tailwind’s typical results page to find more information. 


You can sign up for Tailwind today and start getting more engagement on Pinterest!

I hope you have found this helpful in growing your Pinterest account. Let me know in the comments below if you use Tailwind and how you make it work for your business.

Thanks for reading,


If you like this post, be sure to share it on Pinterest!

How I Grew my pinterest engagement 115% in one month

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One Comment

  1. I used Tailwind until my free trial ran out. I loved it and saw so much engagement on my pins. Sadly, I don’t feel like spending the money on the subscription, but I did love it while I used it.

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