How To Crush Being A Working Mom

Whether you work from home or at the office, being a working mom is one of the hardest jobs out there! You are already working constantly taking care of your little ones and the household and now you are expected to also work another job with more expectations, assignments, and deadlines. It can really be a stressful and difficult thing to manage. I know personally after tackling this crazy day to day life of a working mom. I have even done it completely alone while my husband was deployed to another country (definitely NOT fun, nor do I ever want to experience that again) but my point is, it is very possible to live a fulfilling and happy life, even while working.

Being a working mom can also make you feel ostracized from your other mom friends. Especially if these other friends do not work full-time schedules or do not work at all. It can be so hard to understand that your life is different and you can’t do what they do. You have to find a way to make your life what you want, but also keep up with your busy schedules. It is very possible though. These are some of the things that help me get through my day as a working mom!

Crush Being A Working Mom

Have A Structured Schedule

This is my number one tip to any mom that is planning or currently working. You must have a structured schedule. If you don’t, I promise you things can go bad real fast. I plan 99% of my days ahead of time not because I want to but because I absolutely have to. If your child attends daycare you will have to pick them up by a certain time. If you want to fit anything else into your schedule such as exercise, adventuring out, play dates etc. then you must have some sort of time frame.

I know I constantly think about my schedule (and my son’s!) I think about what time I need to be in to work the next day, if my day will be easy or hard, if my son has any special parties or events going on, etc. There are a million things that I take into consideration.

Keep Realistic Expectations

It can be very hard to keep realistic expectations. I say that because I am the type of person that hates to say no. I want to make everyone happy. If you agree to go to certain events or parties, you might regret it. I learned that the hard way. If you fill up your schedule, you will eventually burn out. I have tried to do it all and learned that it’s not worth it. My sanity is worth more. I promise you will feel the same.

Buy A Planner/Calendar

Invest in a good planner! I sometimes even have two planners with me at all times (or in my car!) I use my planners to write down literally everything. Any small reminders, planned trips, work schedules, vacation time, etc. I fill that thing up! It’s so easy to forget something small (mom brain, anyone? lol)

Find A Good Daycare/Nanny

This is an absolute MUST. I have really struggled with this one. If your child is going to a daycare or has a nanny you are not fond of, then you are not going to be doing too well. I constantly worried about Liam. I mean constant. I think as a mom you will have a feeling if something is off, and if you have that feeling you shouldn’t feel ashamed to look into it! I’d rather be safe than sorry.

Your child has to go somewhere and be with people that you trust so you can focus on your job. Otherwise, it can get very very stressful because you will constantly be worried about your child. That can really take a toll mentally. Not to mention, that your child could also suffer if they are somewhere where they are unhappy.

My advice is to do your due diligence. Obviously, read reviews, go visit daycare centers beforehand, talk to the teachers and directors, etc. Do anything and everything you need to do to feel good about your decision.

Take A Mental Break When Needed

Everyone will need a mental break at some point. Moms can deal with so much on a daily basis. If you think we don’t, then you aren’t a mom. I think being a mom is the hardest job out there, and you add that on top of another career it can be a lot. Don’t feel bad if you need to take a day off. It’s a good idea to have at least a couple of days a year of scheduled time off that you can do whatever you want whether it be have a spa day, go shopping, etc.

If you do not take care of yourself and your mental health, you can’t take care of anyone else.

Keep Your Priorities In Check

Think about your priorities. What is the most important thing to you? Keep a checklist in your mind. I ask myself, “Is this my priority?” “Is this what I want to be my priority?” I do what I need to do to keep myself in check.

Social Media Isn’t Real

This one really gets me. I follow a TON of mom bloggers on social media. At first, I wondered how in the world did they get dressed up every single day, get their kids dressed up, work at their jobs, cook a nice meal, spend time with family, go on crazy expensive vacations, etc. every single day. I really thought I was doing something wrong, possibly even being lazy to a point.

I have since figured out that SOCIAL MEDIA ISN’T REAL. These bloggers take photos weeks, even months before they post them. They have these outfits, food, and vacations all gifted to them through affiliate programs that are literally paying them to post about these specific items and places. I know this is their job and source of income, which is great. But, it can make their lives look very unrealistic for anyone who isn’t a blogger.

I know I really struggled as a mom seeing all of these Instagram posts that look perfect. But the truth is no one is perfect. These people are just sharing their perfect moments.

Plan Family Time Outings As Much As Possible

I would try to plan family outings as much as possible. Especially on the weekends. I try to think of at least one family activity we can do together. It’s nice to have a family activity to look forward to. Plus, it gives your child something to look forward to as well!

Out of all of that, I just want you to know that you CAN absolutely CRUSH this working mom life! It’s totally possible to make a living for your family and raise your children at the same time.

Let me know in the comments below if you are a working mom or will be experiencing this soon. I am really curious to see how other people manage their time.

Thanks for reading,

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how to crush being a working mom




Me and my feisty 2-year-old






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