succeed in making money online

How To Succeed Making Money Online

succeed in earning money online

Are you thinking about how you can succeed in making money online? I know how you feel because I was having the same thoughts a few years ago. It took me months to take a step towards starting an online business. I researched for months on what I needed to do and how much money it would take me to invest in this.

There are things you should know before you attempt to start making money online. I am going to go over all the things I have learned in my year of working online and earning money.

How Much Should You Invest?

I know everyone wants to make money without spending money but in this, you are actually starting a business online whether you decide to start a blog, offer services, or sell products. You will have to invest a small amount of money up front to start your business, just like you would in a regular brick and mortar store. I can give you an idea of how much that will be.

Are You Looking To Start A Blog?

If you want to start a blog, then I can give you all the inside information. I started my blog in September of 2019. I was so nervous about investing in my blog because I honestly was not sure if I would keep up with it. You should know, blogging is definitely something that takes a while to build up. But, it is very very possible to make an income with your blog even if it is new.

Here are the startup costs associated with starting a new blog:

  • Purchase a domain name  $10-$20
  • Purchase hosting for your domain  $14.99/mo or $160 upfront
  • Purchase theme for your blog  $20-$60

Total Startup Costs: $60-$300+

Those are the main things. They are hundreds of other expenses that can be associated with blogging, but those are the main three that you will need to start your own blog and start earning an income! I would also like to add that each of those prices can vary greatly depending on what options you choose, etc.

I also have an offer I can offer to you for being a reader of my blog! My hosting service HostGator has provided me with an awesome discount for my readers so please take advantage of it if you are wanting to start a new blog! They also provide you with a FREE domain and FREE SSL Certification. Every little bit helps! Click the link below to get the deal while it lasts!

If you want a step by step guide on how to purchase a hosting service and get your blog set up for success, then check out How to Start a Profitable Blog on a Budget

So, once you have your blog there is a multitude of products and services you can sell to earn a higher income. You can also earn money depending on how many page views you can get to your blog. Here are some ideas on how to keep earning money once you have your blog.

Other great ways to succeed in money making online:

  • Promote your blog on social media to gain page views and earn ad income
  • Develop products to sell (e-books, online courses, printables, etc.)
  • Offer your services as a freelancer (writing, editing, photography, etc.)
  • Once you gain experience, offer your expertise to other bloggers as an assistant. We always need a Pinterest assistant, WordPress assistant, etc.
  • Sign up for affiliate programs that match with your audience (check out The Best High Paying Affiliate Programs for Bloggers )

I hope this has helped you if you are thinking about starting an online business. There are so many different ways to succeed in making money online that you can’t really go wrong. I think everyone has a chance to succeed if you put in the work to make it happen!

Thanks for reading,

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