
How to Balance a Blog with Being a Mom

Are you a mom looking for a creative outlet? Are you looking for a way to earn some extra income on the side? Do you wonder how you can even balance a blog with being a mom? I felt the same way before I started my blog!

I can tell you from personal experience that starting a blog is a fantastic way to have a creative outlet for yourself, as well as have your own business if you want to earn a little (or a lot) of extra cash! A blog lets you create content that you love and still be there for your children throughout the day. You can even take time off later and still make money passively without ever having to log on to your computer. Starting a blog is the best decision I have made in a while! 

If you are interested in starting your own blog, check out my post How to Start a Profitable Blog on a Budget

It goes over how to easily start a blog on a budget that can become profitable over time. There is also a promo code for my hosting that will give you a great deal if you are looking to start your blog today. Head on over and check it out for yourself! 

Balancing a Blog While Being a Mom

There are many things you can do to help you balance your blogging career while you are also being a mom.

1. Be Realistic

How much time are you wanting to devote to your blog? How much time are you willing to devote to your blog? Many people want to blog just for a creative outlet, which is great! If that is the case then you can easily say you will blog whenever you have free time. You really don’t need a set schedule.

Now, if you are looking to treat your blog like a business then I would suggest planning out a schedule to keep you on track! Blogging can be very time consuming and it can be hard to find extra time during your day when you are taking care of littles.

Make a realistic calendar of when you are going to write your blog posts, when you are posting them, when you will be marketing your blog, and when you will do other things such as reaching out to brands and replying to emails.

2. Prioritize Your Daily Tasks 

As a mom, I’m sure you understand how much we do in one day. It seems like an endless list that never ends no matter how hard you try to finish it. There are toys to be picked up, counters to be wiped down, dishes to be done, toys to be picked up again, and this cycle repeats over and over and over. 

I think one of the best things you could ever do is prioritize your daily tasks. Does the floor have to be vacuumed at this very second? Do all of those toys have to be picked up for 100th time today? These are the questions you need to ask yourself! 

You should make time for your blogging by prioritizing it over the other small tasks. I have learned to leave some stuff until later in the day, just because most of it will be destroyed later anyways. I know that making time for my blogging is helping me move forward in other areas of my life and that is truly exciting! 

3. Be Honest With Your Family 

You will have to be honest with your family. You will need some time to devote to your new blog. A great place to start is asking your significant other for help at specific times that will benefit you both. If your partner works during the day, maybe ask if you can have an hour of alone time after dinner to finish up a project. You should explain that you are doing your best to balance a blog with being a mom. That way your partner will get to spend quality time with the kids and you can get some work in! 

You can also reach out to other family members that you trust and see what could be beneficial for both of you. Maybe the grandparents are missing their grandchildren and want to take them out for a treat? Maybe an Aunt or Uncle wants to spoil your littles with a day out on the town? The family loves to jump in and help if you have a large project you are working on or just need some extra time to write and create alone. 

4. Give Yourself A Break

This is an important one! If at any time you feel overworked and upset, just take a step back and take a break. I promise your blog and all of your progress will still be there waiting for you when you log back on. That’s the great thing about having a blog, you can literally make a passive income and not have to be on 24/7 all day every day (even though it’s hard not to be!) 

You are also currently doing one of the hardest jobs on the market, being a mom! Cut yourself some slack and take a few days off if that is what you need. 

You can do it! 

I know balancing anything on top of being a mom is a challenge, but you can do it! It just takes a lot of planning and consistency on your part. It is totally worth it in the end, though. I hope this post has helped you realize that you can absolutely balance a blog while being a mom! 

Let me know in the comments below if you are a blogging mom and how you schedule your work around your littles. I am curious to know all of your tips and tricks! 

Thanks for reading, 

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