Daily Preschool Schedule for My 3 Year Old

Daily Preschool Schedule For My 3 Year Old

Are you looking for a daily preschool schedule to follow while you’re at home with your 3-year-old? I recently started a preschool routine with my 3-year-old (you can read more about our story here) and it has been great! This is my favorite daily preschool schedule for my 3-year-old that we follow pretty much every day.

It took me a while to get into a nice groove and learn what works best for both of us. I decided to share this post to help other moms who are thinking of homeschooling or preschooling their toddlers. It can be a hard decision and maybe seeing someone else’s schedule might help.

Many parents think they “can’t” homeschool or preschool (I was one of them!) but this schedule is super easy to follow andy you can always make your own adjustments as needed. We make adjustments daily. It can definitely be done and you do not need any teaching experience!

I couldn’t find a lot of information while I was looking and contemplating. This is for anyone looking for more information.

Daily Preschool Schedule

7:30 AM: Wake up, Eat breakfast, Brush Teeth, Get dressed for the day

We use the early morning hours to slowly get ready and prepared for our day. We used to rush getting ready for daycare and work and running around like crazy to ensure we both made it to where we needed to be on time. I like to use the mornings to take it slow and be mindful of what our day is going to look like.

We get up (normally) anywhere between 7-8 am most mornings. I make breakfast for us and we eat together. We then get ready for the day.

8:30 AM: Free Play

I use the time right after breakfast as free play. Liam usually has certain toys that he wants to play with or is excited about. I will let him play with those while I quickly clean up breakfast, clean the kitchen, pick up the rest of the house from the night before, and finish getting myself ready (quick makeup, throw hair up, etc.)

I will usually jump in and play with him depending on what he is doing at the time.

9:00 AM: Scheduled Sensory Activity

After free play, I try to find a sensory activity such as play-doh, sensory boxes, sensory bags, etc. We use these for sensory skills as well as others. I would suggest using Pinterest to look up great sensory activities for toddlers.

9:30 AM: Alphabet Work

I have purchased many different alphabet workbooks for preschoolers that help me and my son stay focused on the topic at hand. These are great for preschoolers to see the pictures and have space to practice writing. You can also find many free printables online as well if you have a printer handy at home.

10:00 AM: Snack Break

Snack break! Who doesn’t love a snack?! We always do a snack break in the middle of the morning to hold us over until we get to lunch later on in the day.

10:30 AM: Numbers Work

After snack time, we usually go straight into some sort of number work. We use a number of workbooks and printables. I also picked up some great cards from Dollar Tree that teach numbers to preschoolers.

11:00 AM: Motor Skills Activity

Now, we start a motor skills activity. This usually involves playing with certain toys such as wooden blocks, legos, etc. You can also find great motor skills activity ideas on Pinterest.

11:30 AM: Lunch Time

Lunchtime! Take a break, you earned it!

12:00 PM: Outdoor Time/Free Play

After lunch, I like to do some outdoor time or free play. My son gets to do pretty much whatever he would like for this time. It’s almost nap time so I let him have some fun.

1:00 PM: Nap Time

Naptime! I usually take this time for myself. I do a little cleaning up from earlier then I use the rest of my free time to either exercise or do some activity I enjoy. It’s great to relax and recharge for the rest of the day during this time.

3:00 PM: Wake From Nap

This usually signals the end of our preschool activities for the day. I don’t want to push activities constantly all day.

3:30 PM: Independent Play/Help with Dinner

During this time, I will usually cook dinner and let my son play independently with whatever toys he chooses. He also uses my Ipad to play toddler-approved learning games.

5:30 PM: Dinner

6:30 PM: Bath, Brush Teeth, Pajamas

7:30 PM: Cuddle, Read Book

8:00 PM: Bedtime

The day is finally done and bedtime is here! Yay!

That is my preschool schedule for my 3-year old that we currently follow daily! I hope this has helped someone who is contemplating staying at home to preschool their toddler or a parent who is looking to start teaching their toddlers more at home.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below. Are you currently homeschooling your child or children? Leave me a comment below and let me know how it’s going!


Thanks for reading,


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      1. I noticed this schedule doesn’t include TV time so the nap time can maybe “quiet time” or breathing time or even a moment to reflect or do a quick review or a quick bible lesson. Also, maybe used to run errands or for child to decide what activity they would like to do.

  1. Love this! I’ve been struggling to have the confidence to keep up with teaching preschool from home but this gave me hope! Gonna start this tomorrow 🙂 thank you!

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