staying productive as a work from home mom

Staying Productive As A Work From Home Mom

It can be so hard to be productive when you are a stay-at-home or work-from-home mom. You can be totally exhausted but still need to get some work done during the day. I have found a few different ways that help me stay productive as a work-from-home mom.

I have worked a full-time job while my son was in daycare and I now stay at home with him and he does not attend daycare. We had to make a decision since our son was struggling in a daycare setting. Luckily my husband had just recently landed his dream job. Obviously, we are not rich nor does his job make tons of money but it made it possible for us to live off of one income entirely.

So now, I stay at home all day and have decided to really dig into blogging. I am not the type of person who can sit at home with no goals (not saying that is what a stay-at-home mom does!!) I just need something to work towards or work on to give me some sort of personal identity.

I say all of this because I have been a working mom outside of the home and now I work from home while also watching my feisty 3-year-old. I have some great tips to keep you staying productive as a work-from-home mom!

staying productive as a work from home mom

How To Stay Productive As A Work From Home Mom

Automate As Much As Possible

My first tip is to automate as much as possible. I think the world has made it much easier for a stay-at-home or work-from-home parent. We have grocery pickup, curbside pickup almost everywhere, and online shopping with free shipping galore!

You can pretty much order anything you want or need and get it on your doorstep the same day or within a day or two. It’s actually really great. I have found that it makes life SO much easier when you take advantage of programs like these.

The best thing to do is think ahead. I try to think ahead of what we need in the next few days to ensure we don’t run out of anything and have to spend time at the grocery store.

Some of the favorites that I recommend are:

  • Walmart Grocery Pickup: Walmart Grocery Pickup has saved my life. No, really. I started using this service when my husband was deployed and we had a newborn son. It was literally the toughest year of my life but this service helped me SO much. I started using this to pick up my weekly groceries when I got off work after picking up my son from daycare. It saved me from so much stress. I didn’t have to bring my baby into the store. Heck, I didn’t even have to get out of my car! You order your groceries from their app (super easy!) and you pick a time to pick them up from the store. They even have dedicated pickup parking spots. They bring all of your groceries out to your car and load them up for you. I honestly do not know how we survived before having grocery pickup!
  • Kroger Grocery Pickup
  • Walgreens Pickup
  • Amazon Prime
  • Every Plate Food Delivery
  • Grove Collaborative

Have a Productive Routine

You can set yourself up for success if you develop a productive routine. It’s easy to think up a productive routine, but the hard part is actually going through with it! You should sit down and map out times when you are the most productive whether it’s when your child is napping, before they get up for the day, or at bedtime after everyone else is asleep.

Once you have a realistic schedule mapped out of when you can work you are not expecting yourself to work 10 plus hours a day when you physically cannot do that while also watching your children. It’s best to have low expectations and not force yourself into more anxiety and frustration.

Make a realistic and productive schedule and STICK TO IT!

Buy A Planner

This is a great tip for anyone who wants to stay productive as a work-from-home mom. You need to buy a planner! Yes, like a physical paper planner. These can help you tremendously. Use your planner to write in important dates and deadlines.

You can coincide this with your daily schedule and make sure you have enough time to complete all of the tasks at hand. Also, you can check off or cross off each task you get done throughout the day which can help fuel your productivity levels for the rest of the day!

I know once I can mark something off my list, I feel so much better for the rest of the day. You feel instantly accomplished. If you aren’t used to having a physical planner, just try it. I think you will find it really does help with productivity, especially when you are a work-from-home mom.

Plan Scheduled Breaks/Play Time

Everyone needs a break. Everyone deserves a break. Including you and your children! If you are working a great deal of the day, make sure to plan scheduled breaks. You can even use this time as a parent-involved playtime for your children.

Here are some great ideas:

  • Close the computer and get outside for some fresh air
  • Go to the local park for an hour or so
  • Pack a picnic and take it outside for lunch
  • Set up a “play area” with sensory activities like play-doh, kinetic sands, etc.

Once you have had a scheduled break, that will help re-focus your brain back onto your work. It can really help with productivity.

Get Rid Of Distractions

AKA the TikTok app that you will open and spend 45 minutes on before you even realize what has happened! Seriously though, how is that app so addictive?! It can be so easy to log on to your iPhone and not realize that HOURS have passed when you should’ve been focusing on other work.

A great way to circumvent this is to leave your phone in another room of the house so you aren’t thinking about it. You can even turn up the volume to ensure you hear if you are getting an important phone call or text.

You can also set an alarm on your phone if you are taking a mini-break and are using your phone. You can easily set an alarm for 10-15 minutes in your alarm app and then you will at least get a notification when you should return to your work.

Have A Designated Workspace

This is a big one. If you are a stay-at-home work-from-home mom I can guarantee you your house can be a little upheaved most of the day. Literally, no judgment because mine is totally destroyed almost 24/7 from my wild 3-year-old boy. I think because of this reason you really need to have a designated workspace that is clutter-free and clean.

For me, it is so much easier to think clearly and really focus when I have a designated workspace to work. This doesn’t have to be a totally separate room. You can even do this in your living room if needed. You can get a small desk to put against the wall.

You can also tidy up a room super fast before working for the day to get that clean and inviting workspace.

Plan A Workout Time

I know I feel way more productive for the day if I get a workout in, even if it’s small. I can easily do a 20-minute strength workout on my Peloton app while my 3 year old runs around the house. You can even take a small walk outside if that’s more your thing.

I think getting some form of exercise during the day can easily increase your productivity!

Learn To Be Flexible

Ok, last one. As a work-from-home mom, you have to learn to be very very flexible. Things aren’t always going to go your way. Things aren’t always going to go according to schedule.

You will have to work around many different schedules including your childrens’. Things will happen. And that’s totally ok. You are doing your best and that is all that matters. If something isn’t completed in a day, use that as fuel to get it done the next day. You can always work on it later.

Just remember, we are all doing the best we can. These times can be extremely hard while trying to stay productive as work from home mom, but it totally can be done!


Thanks for reading,

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  1. This is a really helpful post! I personally don’t have children but I watch my sister struggle with balancing being a mom to two toddlers and getting her work done at home. I will definitely share these tips with her. Thanks for sharing!

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