Splendid Spoon Reset Before The Holidays

Have you ever indulged a little too much and realized you need to give your body a break? Believe me, I have been there multiple times and it’s not fun! I love to take some time and think of a way to “reset” and get back on track. You can easily start by switching out a meal for something lighter, drinking more water, or exercising more.

Splendid Spoon offers a wonderful reset program that features 5 light soups that are plant-based, full of flavor, and balanced with healthy fats and complex carbs. I was so excited to try out this program because the weather has gotten so much cooler and it’s the perfect time for soup! What could be better than a hearty bowl of soup on a chilly fall day?

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Splendid Spoon Reset Before The Holidays

Splendid Spoon Reset Before The Holidays

The Splendid Spoon Reset Program is made up of their 5 lightest soups: ​​Butternut Turmeric, Cauliflower Potato Chowder, Fennel Consommé, Garden Minestrone & Lentil & Kale. I decided to use these 5 soups for a week-long reset since we have the holidays coming up and I could really use a reset after indulging one too many days these past few months.

Splendid Spoon Reset Program

Splendid Spoon Reset Before The Holidays

The Plan

I decided to do my reset program by switching out my regular lunch with the light soups. These soups can be eaten hot or cold and they are normally 1-2 servings per bowl (depending on hunger). Most days, I only ate half of the soup and saved the rest for a snack later or for dinner. This plan made everything so easy! Here is what my days looked like while doing the Splendid Spoon Reset Program.

Day 1:

I started off my day with my regular coffee (just one cup!) and then switched to water for the rest of the day. I strived to drink my recommended daily amount of water. Breakfast was a light breakfast that I had prepared the night before (overnight oats) and coffee. For lunch, I chose my first soup, Garden Minestrone.

The soup was very flavorful and I loved it! I ate half of the bowl and felt full and satisfied. I saved the rest in my fridge to use later. My dinner consisted of a regular dinner I would cook for me and my family.

Day 2:

I felt a little lighter this day and felt a little better about my health. I could feel a difference from just one day of eating healthier and drinking more water! Today I started off my day off with the same breakfast and coffee. For lunch, I chose the Cauliflower Potato Soup (definitely my favorite!) It was so delicious! I almost ate the entire bowl.

This soup I would gladly eat on any chilly day. It tasted like something I would make homemade. I totally recommend this soup if you like any type of potato soup! For dinner, I had my normal dinner.

Day 3:

Today I woke up excited to try my soup for lunch! These flavors are actually so delicious, it’s exciting to find a healthy lunch choice that tastes great! I actually skipped breakfast on this day (not great, I know!) but I had a busy morning and honestly just did not feel like eating. I did have my regular coffee though. I also drank plenty of water!

For lunch, I tried out the Lentil and Kale soup. It was a great light and filling soup and it fit into my busy day perfectly!

Day 4:

I can’t believe we are almost done with 5 days of my reset program! This has flown by! Today I had a plain waffle for breakfast with my regular coffee. I actually woke up feeling hungry today and needed more substance. I could tell a difference in my body though. I did not feel as sluggish and just ugh as I did 4 days ago before I started the program!

For lunch, I picked out the Butternut Tumeric soup. This soup was very flavorful! I thought it was delicious and had a great robust flavor.

Day 5:

We are finally on the last day of my reset program! Today I had a small breakfast with coffee. I woke up feeling great and rejuvenated! I grabbed my last soup in the fridge for lunch and enjoyed the entire bowl. I really loved how much better I felt after eating these light soups. They did wonders for my digestive health and made me feel better overall.

I ended this reset program feeling so much better than the first day when I started. I also might have lost a couple of pounds (even though this program isn’t necessarily for weight loss) I just felt so much lighter on the last day. It’s crazy how much can change in your body over a week’s time.

End Thoughts

I would gladly do this reset program again in a heartbeat! I love how easy it is, especially for a busy mom. You can purchase the full kit of soups, have them delivered to your doorstep, and then just grab one for lunch or dinner and your set!

It’s very easy cooking and cleanup and you don’t have to really plan out your meals or think about it! I love it! This is a great program to try before or after the holidays to give your body a “reset”. You can also choose how to “reset” whether you want to eat all of the soups in a few days or spread them out over a week as I did. It really only takes one small change to really feel a difference. One small change can lead to bigger changes as well! It’s a great first step to “reset” or “detox” around the holidays.

Splendid Spoon Reset Before The Holidays

If you are thinking about doing a reset before or after the holidays make sure you check out Splendid Spoon. Even if you aren’t a fan of soups they also offer other healthy and hearty meals as well.

Thanks for reading,

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