simple work from home daily schedule for moms

Simple Work From Home Mom Daily Routine

Are you looking for a simple work from home mom daily routine? It’s been a long time since I have done an updated daily routine blog post! My last post was when my son was only 2 or 3 so some things have definitely changed since then. I also now work full-time from home, on my own schedule, but still working. If you are a mom that also works from home, then you understand the struggle! If you are not a mom but you work from home, you also understand the struggle of trying to schedule your day so you can accomplish everything that needs to be done without burning out or forgetting things.

Here is my simple work-from-home daily routine that I follow most days. Without saying, every day is different, and I do differentiate from this schedule every now and then (hello, crazy content creator schedule!). But it’s a good starting point for a work-from-home mom schedule if you are able to choose your own hours or own your own business!

My simple work-from-home mom daily routine

8:00-9:00 am

I try to wake up early, but that can be difficult with a husband who works extremely late nights and I end up staying up and waiting for him to get home. My son also likes to sleep a little later, usually waking up around 8 am. So, I usually just get up when my son does except on certain days that I try to wake up before everyone else to get in a special workout that I know I can’t get done later during the day.

9:00-10:00 am

After waking up, I immediately make myself a coffee and my son whatever breakfast he wants for the day. While he eats breakfast, I drink my coffee and quickly check emails and socials. I reply to anything that doesn’t require me to get out my laptop or do any type of research. After breakfast, my son gets dressed and ready for the day. I quickly write down my to-do list on my phone of all content that needs to be filmed, projects due that day, etc. I write out every single thing that needs to be done by the end of the day, so I don’t forget anything, because it’s so easy to forget!

10:00-11:30 am

At this point, I have cleaned up breakfast and probably started a load of laundry. I let my son play on his own while I go get ready for the day (hair, makeup, getting dressed) Unless I am filming a lot of content, then I am usually wearing very little makeup and athletic clothes. After feeling slightly put together, I start my actual work for the day. I go to my computer and reply to all emails, catch up on comments on social media, post content on social media, and do brand outreach/write-up contracts for impending deals.

11:30-12:00 pm

After working for a little bit, I take a break to start lunch. Most days I make our lunches and then work through lunch if anything needs my attention right away or I’m in the middle of a project/editing something.

12:00-2:00 pm

This is the time that I usually take off during the day unless I have a scheduled meeting or call. We spend the next few hours outside either playing out in the yard, riding bikes, or getting in the pool. I try to do multiple outdoor activities each day depending on the weather because it can be so hard to stay in the house all day long. We like to take advantage of the summer weather for sure!

2:00-3:00 pm

After being outside, we come in for drinks and snacks. We usually watch some tv together and enjoy our snacks and the air conditioner. I try to find at least one or two hours during the day to be extremely intentional with my time and make sure I am playing one on one with my son. We almost always play “cars and trucks” because he is obsessed with Hot Wheels, but I always try to find time in my day to sit on the floor and play.

3:00-5:00 pm

After being inside for a few hours, we go back outside or go out somewhere in the neighborhood. Sometimes we go for a walk around the neighborhood, or my son rides his bike/scooter around. We also go to local parks, go out shopping, etc. Really, anything to get out of the house! I also try to run any errands that need to be done like grocery pickup, going inside the store, etc.

5:00-6:00 pm

Finally, dinner time! I start dinner usually around 5 and we eat together.

6:00-8:00 pm

The last few hours before bedtime I clean the entire house from the day. I pick up most toys in the living areas, run a load of dishes, switch over the laundry, and clean the bathrooms quickly. I really do this quickly and try to get done within 20 minutes or so. It really helps to do it every single day, so everything doesn’t pile up. My son also helps me pick up his room. He also takes a bath and gets ready for bed during this time.

8:00-9:00 pm

Ahhhhh, sweet bedtime for my child. LOL

9:00-10:00 pm

I reluctantly make my way downstairs to start my work out that I wasn’t able to get done throughout the day. I usually do 30-45 minutes on our treadmill in our garage. During my workout, I usually scroll social media and reply to comments, engage with other creators, and also write down content ideas, etc. I pretty much work my entire workout to help me be caught up when I come upstairs.

10:00-12:00 am

I spend the next hours taking a shower, getting ready for bed, and finishing up any work that needs to be done. Most nights I am done before midnight and take some time to read a book, watch some tv, and just relax on the couch.

12:30 am

BEDTIMEEEEE. Yay! Another day of work down, while also spending quality time with my son. I wouldn’t want it any other way!


What does your normal schedule look like during your work-from-home days? Let me know in the comments! If you are looking for more daily schedules, check out Daily Schedule For A Stay At Home Mom To Stay Motivated

Thanks for reading,


Thank with Google

I’m so incredibly excited to be one of Google’s paid early testers for their Thank with Google pilot program! Thank with Google is an experimental feature that allows you to purchase a virtual sticker and directly show your love and appreciation for the content on my website!

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You can find the Thank with Google feature in multiple places on my site.

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simple work from home daily schedule for moms









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