How to Become a Content Creator in 2022 and Quit Your Job

Have you ever thought about being a content creator in 2022 or an influencer? Most people probably have. You see the beautiful pictures, lavish lifestyles, and free products these creators get, and you wish you were able to do the same. Well, I am here to say: YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!

If you are looking how to become a content creator in 2022 or influencer, then keep reading because I am going to give away all of the tips and tricks that I have used to go from working a corporate 9-5 job to making my own schedule as a content creator and earning 5 figures a month (which is way more than I ever made at my old job!)

How to Become a Content Creator in 2022 and Quit Your Job

How to Become a Content Creator in 2022

Tip #1: Be prepared to work really hard, long hours, and feel like you aren’t making much progress.

If you’ve decided to take the plunge and become a content creator in 2022, then be prepared to work really really hard. I work now way more than I worked before at a 9-5 job, but it’s different when you work for yourself. If you are truly trying to make content creation your full-time income, then you must treat it like a full-time job. I would work most days morning to night and sometimes still do.

You also will feel like you aren’t making much progress or that this just isn’t going to happen for you but let me tell you, it doesn’t and will not happen overnight. There are very few lucky people who get a viral piece of content early on and blow up, but for most people it’s months and years of hard work growing an audience and curating content for their feeds. Ask anyone in this industry, it takes time. If you are serious about it and want this to work, then you will continue on. Most people do not make it very long before giving up because there is no instant gratification.

Tip #2: Start a blog or something that is YOURS.

If you are just starting out, I recommend starting a blog or a website that is yours. If you are on social media, those can be taken away at any moment and you would lose all of your content and followers. My first big tip is to make sure you have somewhere safe you can keep your content if all else fails.

You can start a blog and repost all of your content to it to ensure you have a backup. You can also start an email list and keep up with your followers that way. It does cost to start a self-hosted blog, but it’s a very minimal cost per month. You can check out the low-cost hosting that I use here.

Tip #3: Use social media to your advantage

If you want to be a content creator in 2022, I would suggest having multiple social media accounts. No, you don’t have to post to all of them every single day, but I would create a posting schedule and stick to it (see below!) You should have an Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok at the very least.

I feel like the more accounts you have, the more (intentional) posting you are doing, then the more chances you have for your content to go viral! If you have a viral piece on one platform, usually followers will follow you to others. It’s a great way to grow your accounts.

Tip #4: Study TikTok and start making educating or entertaining content

I cannot say enough about TikTok. If you aren’t using it, then START TODAY. I was very apprehensive about posting on TikTok but it’s no longer a children’s app. I would say it’s leaning more towards a social search engine. If you struggle with creating video content, then start trying to learn.

TikTok really played a huge part in where I am right now. You can grow a huge audience in very little time if you make the right content and understand how TikTok works. All it takes is one video to go viral and it could very well change your life.

Tip #5: Create a posting schedule and stick to it relentlessly

Creating a posting schedule is the best thing you can do for yourself when starting a new business to become a content creator in 2022. You need to sit down and be realistic about how much content you can produce around your already busy schedule.

It’s also great to batch content (film multiple pieces of content in one day and spread them out when posting) I try to post on each social media platform at least once a day, obviously sometimes things can come up and I won’t reach that goal but that’s ok. As long as you have a realistic posting schedule and do your best to stick to it, you will start to see your accounts grow!

Tip #6: Make a business plan and treat your business seriously

This is a business. Of course, you can pursue this as a hobby! But, if you want to make real sustainable income then you need to treat this as a real business. That means making a business plan and realizing how much your expenses will be each month and how long you can expect it to take to break even on your costs.

You have to think of all the neccessities of creating content like owning a working computer, editing apps, website costs, camera and phone costs, etc. There is a lot that goes into this job and you need to be realistic in knowing the numbers and how your first few months or year will look like financially.

Tip #7: Don’t listen to anyone who isn’t where you want to be!

I wish I had taken this advice sooner to become a content creator in 2022. There will always be people who will laugh at you or say “there is no way you can make a living or income posting things on the internet” but I am here to say you 100000% can. It’s actually insane the amount of earning potential you can earn. It’s practically limitless depending on how much you want to work and put into it.

My advice is if you are serious about this, don’t listen to other people’s opinion. Try to find others who are interested in the same type of work you are and ask questions, ask for tips, etc. You can also look for Facebook groups, blogs, social media accounts that help bloggers and content creators and find a lot of great tips and tricks to help you out on your journey!

Tip #8: Write out your goals each month, even if they seem far-fetched

Write out your goals every single month to give you motivation even when you start to feel burnt out. I had one month I surpassed my YEARLY goal 4 months early and it’s so motivating and exciting when you can see how much you’ve grown on paper!

Tip #9: Create content you actually love and will not get tired of

Make sure you are creating content in a niche you actually love and enjoy and will never get tired of. I could not imagine creating content in the food niche because I hate cooking. If you are creating content just because you saw something similar go viral, that is not a good strategy! Imagine if this video went viral, but you hate making that type of content.

Everyone who follows you will want to see MORE of that specific content, but you don’t even enjoy to make it. It would not be a good thing and your account would eventually stall out or you would burn out and stop posting completely. Make sure your niche is something you truly enjoy!


My last tip is to HAVE FUN! You get to meet so many new people, new brands, form new relationships and it’s a lot of fun! It’s also a great feeling to be your own boss and know you are doing something amazing for yourself and even for your followers by sharing content that has great value to it! Keep having fun and sharing what you love and you will be making a realistic income in no time!


The top ways I earn an income as a content creator in 2022

  1. Affiliate Income: I earn a large majority of my income through affiliate programs like ShopLTK or the Amazon Influencer program. You earn a commission anytime someone clicks through your links and makes a purchase. This is one of the harder ways to earn an income, but once you have built up a following you can easily earn hundreds-thousands a month in affiliate income.
  2. Website Ad Income: I have a website that generates ad income each month. You get paid a dollar amount based on how many views you get each month on your website.I currently use Ezoic hosting for my website.
  3. Brand Deals: Once you have a decent following on social media, you can start reaching out for brand deals. Brands will also reach out to you as well. You can receive free products and payment and create content for the brands that you share on your own social media accounts.
  4. Agency Ad Work: This is a major source of income for me currently. Once you start creating content, you can also create content and ads for companies to use on their own social accounts.There are many different agencies that will provide you advertisement work through the companies they source. This is a great way to make money if you have the editing skills, knowledge, and proper equipment.
  5. UGC Work: User generated content is a huge market right now and almost every company is looking for it! You can personally email companies and look for work or there are even multiple apps out there now where you can apply to make content for brands. This is a great way to earn an income if you are still building your social media accounts! You essentially are making content for brands to post on their own socials to help them build product awareness and sales.


I hope these tips have helped you learn a little more about what it takes to become a content creator in 2022. Obviously, there are way more attributes that go into it. If you are just starting out this is a great place to start! If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

Thanks for being here,


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